Griffith University

Platypi Typeface

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posted on 2024-12-09, 01:48 authored by David SargentDavid Sargent

Drawing inspiration from the unusual blend of characteristics observed in the Australian platypus, Platypi combines sharp, heavy wedge serifs usually seen in display faces with more conventional curves and proportions to achieve a practical text typeface with a unique and distinctive visual rhythm. The heavier weights further push this tension with increased stroke tapering and contrast. Platypi features six weights with matching italic styles. It supports Indigenous Australian and Vietnamese languages, and includes the full Google Fonts Latin Plus Character Set for use in over 500 languages.


ERA Category

  • Original Creative Work - Design/Architecture

Eligible major research output?

  • Yes

Research Statement

Background Platypi is a new, original Wedge Serif typeface design. Originally popular in nineteenth-century Europe, Wedge Serif (Latin Serif) typeface designs feature distinctive triangular serifs combined with finer strokes and curves. Their popularity has been resurgent in recent years; however, the dramatic contrast between the heavy serifs and thinner strokes means they are mostly suited for display use only. Contribution The typeface is innovative as it features subtle adjustments to the conventional Wedge Serif template to achieve a typeface suitable for longer text setting and reading. The design features slightly blunted triangular serifs paired with tapered strokes, creating an easy-to-read typeface design with a distinctive visual rhythm. Platypi features six distinct weights with matching italic styles, and is also available in Variable Font format. Aligning with UN Sustainable Development Goal 10, a concerted effort was made on language support, with Platypi supporting over 500 languages, including all Australian Indigenous languages. Significance Google Fonts, the world’s largest open-source type foundry, accepted Platypi for inclusion in their library in 2024. In its first six months of release, users have viewed Platypi over 50 million times, and it is currently in use on over 4,200 websites. The project was also recognised by the Australian design industry, placing as a finalist in the 2024 National Australian Graphic Design Association (AGDA) Awards.


Google Fonts

Place of publication


Copyright notes

Copyright 2024 The Platypi Project Authors ( This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1 . This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at: SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1 - 26 February 2007

Was the work disseminated?

  • Yes

Form of dissemination

  • Published

Scope of dissemination

  • International

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